269-948-8004 office@hastingsbaptist.com 309 E. Woodlawn Ave, Hastings, MI 49058 Contact Hastings Baptist Church: How can we help?*How can we help?General CommentNew VisitorWebsite FeedbackPrayer RequestPraise ReportIf you would like to submit a Prayer Request, please visit the Prayer Wall. There you will find a special form for this purpose!Name*Email* Phone NumberContact Method*How would you like us to contact you?EmailPhoneNo PreferencePlease do not contact meHow did you hear about Hastings Baptist Church?Subject*Message*Privacy Level:Would you like us to limit who we share this feedback with? Leaving this as "Public is okay" does not mean that we will share it publicly (we do use discretion, if obvious), just that you trust us to make that decision.Public is okayChurch Leadership onlyEntire church family / membersCAPTCHANameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ